Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Making the Switch

It's been two months since I arrived back in England from my Adventures Across the Water with YWAM and it's been a full two months. Yes, the country has not changed. Yes, it was very weird when no one paid much attention to me being back, it was a huge thing for me, why wasn't it for them?! Settled back into church well enough. It was really encouraging that people there were all for me finding me feet quickly and supporting me. I jumped from my YWAM heights to be caught before I fell to far by my peers and leaders at church - now, you can't ask for much more than that, can you? More to come soon on what I'm up to now and plans for the next 6 months or so. Stay tuned (who says that anymore?).

Talking about switching - how's your web browser? Still surfing with Microsoft's Exploder? Mozilla have just released the first full version of Firefox. I checked it out as a dutiful web designer, just to make sure my sites work with it, and found it to be a much more impressive browser than IE 6.0 which I was using before. I wont go into all the tech of it (you can go here for that) but I will say that two things I like immensely are: 1. The tabbed-browsing idea and, 2. The ability to bookmark RSS feeds. Basically this is a live news feed which a website, like the BBC's news site, puts out. This blog has one, as do many others (to link to this Blog's feed click:

To get Firefox click here (<4mb)

And now I bid your farewell. For those of you who made the switch to different geographical locations or to a new browser (and especially both) may you settle in well but never too well.